I couldn’t get out of bed before the purifier arrived

It’s really amazing how your environment can affect your entire life; For multiple years I was residing in the wrong place and it messed with my mental health to a drastic degree.

Living in an industrialized, ugly neighborhood meant that I never could get time out in nature.

I never realized that this was something that I needed. After I relocated to a completely weird state where I could be surrounded by nature all the time my life changed; Unluckyly, every year when the pollen bloom would roll around, my life would change again. Suddenly, I realized that I had bad indoor pollen irritations that I was unaware of back in the city. When the outdoor air was yellow with pollen, my lungs completely shut down. My respiratory health got so awful that I was coughing and sneezing all day long to the point of debilitation. My body effectively attacked itself with all of the airborne contaminants that it was trying to fight. For a few months of the year I could not even get out of bed. That is, until I consulted with a heating and cooling professional who quickly helped me to change my life. He proposed that I install an air media purification system in my apartment which could work in tandem with my central heating and cooling system. I had never heard of air purification before and I certainly never bought a HEPA filter before in my life. Suddenly, I had advanced air quality control chugging along with my central cooling system every day. The change in my indoor air quality and my life was immediate. Suddenly, my pollen irritations were not keeping me bedridden and I could honestly live like a normal human with my high quality indoor air. Now, I am thrilled to report that I have the perfect environment for all of my needs.
cooling technology