Not excited about the new AC – there goes my freedom

When my family first moved into this home they were more than happy with the setup.

I got my own bedroom and it was semi-private from my exhausting parents and siblings.

I’ve never had much privacy in the house, so I was excited at the opportunity to have my own space and spend my time alone. Most of all, I was very excited that my room faced the back of the house. This was a major bonus for me because the central cooling system was located directly outside my window. Now, if you’re an adult you might not understand the importance of having a loud air conditioning unit right by your bedroom window. As a teenager, it means the world to me that this air handling device is right by my bed. Mainly, it provides a lot of background noise for midnight escapes from my family. Because the central cooling system is at least 15 years old it makes a lot of noise whenever it kicks into gear and pumps ice cold, dry indoor air through vents. I happen to appreciate this because it gives me the perfect opportunity to perform any illicit behaviors that my family wouldn’t approve of. When I’m chatting with my boyfriend on the phone or trying to escape up my bedroom window, you better believe that I use our loud central cooling system. I know that it provides enough background noise to drown out the sounds of my escape acts, and I’m extremely happy that we have an ancient cooling system. The day that my parents said we were going to upgrade the AC unit, I know that they were shocked by my downtrodden expression.


cooling technology