Wanted storage shed, but now we need HVAC

It turns out, finding a cooling solution that doesn’t break the bank is no big deal.

A few months ago my husband and I were looking around the house when we realized how much useless junk we had laying around. For many years, we have enjoyed going out to estate sales and thrift stores to look for beautiful treasures. We’ve been very successful in our various treasure-hunting efforts, to the extent that our house is running out of storage space. There’s random stuff kind of sitting everywhere, rather than having a cohesive home environment to enjoy. That’s when we decided that we should build a storage shed out back for all the things that we didn’t have a good place for. The only problem was finding advanced HVAC controls to keep the indoor air quality appropriate for our beautiful things. We definitely don’t want to throw all of our antique goods into a shed to be ruined by the heat and humidity of our outdoor climate. Without some kind of humidity and cooling controls for the indoor air, there’s no doubt that our antiques would be covered in mold and mildew in no time. It turns out, finding a cooling solution that doesn’t break the bank is no big deal. We were able to contact the local heating and cooling technician who quickly recommended a centralized heating and cooling device that would be easy to install and maintain. He said a mini split ductless heating and cooling device would be ideal for keeping the air quality study all year round. They even sell smart versions of the mini split ductless heating and cooling units these days, so we could monitor the storage unit’s air quality from anywhere on Earth. Now, all of our beautiful belongings are safely stored outdoors and we can actually enjoy our home together.


furnace/heater installation